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Welcome to the Epilepsy Positivity!

Here at Epilepsy Positivity we are passionate about the patient voice and giving people who have been affected by epilepsy the opportunity to be heard.


Since 2015 we have been working to help connect and support individuals who have been affected by epilepsy, as well as educate the general public. Our hope is that this website will help to bring together the work that we have done so far, and get people who have been affected by epilepsy more involved by sharing their stories, becoming engaged with research and helping to guide our future decisions. 

Read our first Epilepsy Positivity blog post to find out more about what we stand for, the community that has been built up so far and the meaning behind this website, click here.  


Our Epilepsy Awareness Day 2017 Video

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Visit our blog to learn more about the Epilepsy Positivity community and any exciting updates!


Read the stories and experiences of inspiring individuals who have been affected by epilepsy.


Explore the current epilepsy  research being conducted and have the opportunity to be a participant to help make the lives of people affected by epilepsy better!


Interested in getting more involved with the work of Epilepsy Positivity? View our current voluntary positions here.


Epilepsy Positivity has helped teach me many aspects of epilepsy. I am a proud partner of someone with epilepsy and your page has helped us both. It's nice to see the support everyone has for each other in the community. You are all so strong! 

@kyledornan, partner of person living with epilepsy

Epilepsy Positivity has made me feel more comfortable with myself, knowing I'm not the only one with this condition. They have answered almost every question I've had. I now a positive outlook on being epileptic which I did not have before, so thank you epilepsy positivity for making me more happy as a person in general and helping me be more open with my epilepsy in more ways than one.

It's good to have that "me too" moment when battling something where you constantly feel alone. Epilepsy Positivity makes you feel that you are not alone at all. You can ask questions and relate to other people. You realise others are out there fighting the same battle as you. I'm an epilepsy patient, I prefer to say I'm an epilepsy warrior 

Epilepsy Positivity takes questions and information from their followers and put it where other people people have the opportunity to see it. Whether it's a question that you relate to or maybe something that you can share a little bit of information on, it's always nice to be able to have a place to go for something like this. If you go through their past posts and watch carefully you will come across valuable information, or maybe even someone that can help you!

@overcome_epilepsy, person affected by epilepsy

@deanna_kuhn, person living with epilepsy

Nobody in my real life understands at all, and this page has helped me realise that I'm not so alone. It's awesome. 

@margery_mae, person living with epilepsy

Epilepsy Positivity brings individuals, families and caregivers together. I agree that we are all epilepsy warriors. 

@always_adventures, person affected by epilepsy

@mackenziepaling, person living with epilepsy

My fiance has epilepsy, we have been together 3 years, I use this page instead of asking him all the time so I don't make it an issue out of it. This page is great for sharing and finding out information through first hand accounts, i.e. meds, situations, real life stories, so thank you #epilepsypositivity

@littlebet40, fiance of person living with epilepsy


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